The Committees of the FIM
The Main Student Representatives (Fachbereichsvertretung)
The main student representatives are the formal decision-making body of the student council. They are six students who are elected every year by all students of our faculty. If you have any questions, the team of spokespeople, which is part of the main student representatives, is your best contact point.

Faculty Council (Fakultätsrat)
The faculty council (in short: Fakrat) is the central decision-making body of our faculty. The three student representatives who are elected by all students of the faculty for one year, discuss topics regarding teaching, research, and the individual courses with the faculty management and other members from the various areas of the faculty, and put them to a vote. If you have any questions or concerns, contact our delegates directly.

University-wide student council (Fachschaftsrat)
The university-wide student council (short: FSR) is a university-wide body in which delegates from all ten student councils come and work together on student issues. If you have concerns that affect all students, contact our delegates directly.

Study Commission for Business Informatics
In the meetings of the Study Commission for Business Informatics (‘Stuko Wifo’ for short), changes to the module catalogs or examination regulations are approved. Furthermore, other topics related to the Business Informatics courses are discussed and decided with the Dean of Studies, other professors, and scientific representatives. The student council sends four representatives per year and always makes sure that both bachelor’s and master’s students are represented.

Study Commission for Mathematics in Business and Economics, MMDS, and Education
In the meetings of the Study Commission for Mathematics in Business and Economics, MMDS and Education (usually short: Stuko Wima), changes to the module catalogs or examination regulations are approved. Furthermore, other topics related to the relevant courses are discussed and decided with the Dean of Studies, other professors, and scientific representatives. The student council sends four representatives per year and always makes sure that students from all courses are represented.

The Institute for Informatics (IfI) and the Institute for Mathematics (IfM) consist of all professors and lecturers of the respective department, as well as a student representative from our department. Everything relevant to the design and coordination of the courses, the range of lectures, and much more is discussed there. The task of our student representative is to ensure that the interests of the students are taken into account and, if necessary, to advocate for them. If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us.

Internal contact person for data privacy issues
The internal contact person for data privacy issues takes care of all internal matters related to the storage, use and utilization of data.

QSM Committee
Every year, this committee – as an association of student councils and political university initiatives – advises how and for what purpose the financial resources of the state of Baden-Württemberg should be used. If you have any ideas or requests on how to improve teaching at our faculty, please do not hesitate to contact us here.

Examination boards
The examination boards each consist of three professors, one student representative from the FIM, and, in the case of Mathematics in Business and Economics, one representative from the mid-level faculty. Each degree program has its own examination board, advises you on all questions regarding the examination regulations, and is responsible, among other things, for the approval of study and examination achievements. If you have any further questions, please contact us.