Mannheim Master in Data Science

What is Data Science?

Do you want to develop innovative financial tools with the help of artificial intelligence, lead a company through the challenges of a data-driven world, or predict the next German chancellor based on huge amounts of data? – Then you’re on the right track with the Mannheim Master in Data Science program at the University of Mannheim.

With the help of a modern curriculum and close ties to industry, you will gain advanced knowledge in the fields of Data Science, Web Science, Software Engineering, and Artificial Intelligence. After the foundation lectures, which prepare students with different backgrounds for the advanced topics, specialization in a preferred area is possible.

Course of studies


The Mannheim Master in Data Science program at the University of Mannheim usually takes four semesters. Basically, you can decide for yourself when you want to listen to which subjects. There are some minimum requirements for different areas of competence, but then you can choose freely. Thus, the Mannheim Master in Data Science offers an individual course of studies for every level of knowledge. The Master’s is completely in English.

Module catalog

In the module catalog, you will find an overview of all subjects offered in the Mannheim Master in Data Science at the University of Mannheim. Here you can also find out which subjects are mandatory and which subjects can be taken additionally.

Studying abroad

As a student of the Mannheim Master in Data Science at the University of Mannheim, you have the possibility to spend one or two semesters at one of our many partner universities. A stay abroad is not mandatory. The work you do abroad can usually be credited so that your standard period of study is not affected. The application deadlines can also be as early as the beginning of your first semester. If you are interested in a semester abroad, please contact our International Department for advice. You can also find further information and contact details at the International Office.

Team Project / Individual Project

Part of your master’s program is a project on which you work together with a chair and possibly in cooperation with a company for one or two semesters. This can be completed alone as an “Individual Project” (for 8 ECTS points) or optionally as a “Team Project” (for 12 ECTS points) together with your fellow students.
The goal of the project is that you work on a complex task using your acquired knowledge and find a practical solution. The projects focus on different areas, such as programming or data science projects.
The timing of the project is freely selectable, but for some project topics, prior knowledge of the master’s program is required.


You have to attend at least one seminar. This seminar is usually held by a professor of your choice in the area in which you want to write your master thesis later on. Your professor will assign you a topic, which you have to work out and present in front of a small group of seminar participants. There is no grade for the seminar, you just have to pass it.

Master’s thesis

In your Master’s thesis, you will work on a topic in the field of Data Science for six months. You will discuss the topic with your chosen professor beforehand. During the six months, your chosen professor will act as your supervisor and support you with any questions you may have.
Most professors prefer that you also take the seminar at their chair or listen to particular subjects as preparation for the master thesis.
Therefore, you should contact your potential supervisor early on. You can also find an overview of our professors and their subjects here.

Examination phase

Every semester there are two exam periods. The first exams take place during the two weeks after the lecture period has ended and the second exams in the last week before the start of the new semester.
You are free to choose on which of the dates you would like to take your exams. If you do not pass an exam on the first date, you can retake it on the second date.

Examination regulations

The examination regulations contain everything concerning examinations. Among other things, they provide information on the various forms of examinations and the calculation of grades. The current examination regulations can be found here.

Exam registration

There is a period each semester in which you can register for exams. You will always receive a reminder to your university mail address in time. During this period and until three days before the first date of the exam you can easily register for your exams via Portal².
If you did not pass an exam or have deregistered, you will automatically be registered for the next possible exam date.

Deregistration or withdrawal from an exam

You can deregister from an exam up to three days before the exam date via Portal².
After this deadline or in the case of compulsory registration, a withdrawal from an exam is only possible with a valid reason. You can find more information here. There you can also download a corresponding application and submit it to the Express Service or by mail to your study office.

Retaking an exam

In principle, you can retake a failed exam once. However, you can choose to change the course if you do not feel comfortable with it. The retaking of an already passed exam is not allowed.

Contact persons

If you have further questions that could not be answered on our homepage or the website of our faculty, please feel free to contact us or one of the following contact persons:

• The student council:
• Study programme manager: Lisa Wessa
• Contact person in the study office: David Steiner
• Subject advisory service for content related to the degree programme